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Glass Ceiling


People, Planet and Profit

In today's increasingly competitive and uncertain environment, the winning companies and organisations are the ones that will be able to consistently outperform their competitors in 3 key areas : People - Planet- Profit .

We believe that These 3 P.s are at the core of every company that wants to demonstrate sustainable growth and a sustainable impact for future generations.

Who We Are

As you have noticed - there are no “ real “ pictures nor names of specific individuals  - we shy publicity and we do not care about “ friends “ and “ likes “ - We are a group of senior executives all with hands-on leadership experience from various industries and geographies. Strategists and pragmatists at the same time. A very diverse group culturally, some of us retired after decades of successful C-level careers and some still have a daytime job. We do not recruit, we select partners we work with from our network. We do not offer careers, we are all peers as senior advisors or whatever you want to call us. We do not have fancy offices and support structures, our real business card is our credentials and proven successful career consistently winning in the most difficult and diverse environments.  Once you send us an email we will respond with a suggestion of an executive that is willing to work with you - if we do not think we can help you - we will decline.  We have individually proven our ability of leading and coaching companies and executive leadership teams through the lost volatile of Business environments behind clear business strategy choices and translating them into action plans on a category, country, brand, customer basis.


We have been operating since 2015.  We have never had to advertise or even to have a website in the past.

Happy Businessman
Two Men at a Meeting

How We Work

Each client is unique.  Each solution is unique.  Each fee is personalized to the project and company and individual AND importantly each project is confidential.  We do not "brag" with a client list or project list and we never reveal who our client was/is or what our mission was.


We always operate face-to-face with our clients - we do not prepare or write reports and conduct research for our clients.


We do not do the work - the clients do the work based on our guidance - we give advice, discuss ideas and review progress.


Please reach out to us with a crisp definition of the business issue you need help with - we will evaluate it internally and come back to you shortly.


What We Do

We advise Company Boards, Private Equity firms, Individual CEO's on strategic choices in the areas of: People - Planet - Profit. The sole objective is to deliver superior sustainable shareholder return while making a measurable positive Impact for our planet and future generations . Our competitive edge differentiating us is our ability to rapidly evaluate the current standing of the company in each of these 3 key areas and to work with Boards and Leadership teams and CEO.s to make advancements in each area.  Please reach out to us with a crisp definition of the business issue you need help with - we will evaluate it internally and come back to you shortly.

Business Meeting
In Meeting

What We Do NOT Do

We are not interested in long-term commitments. Every assignment should have a predetermined objective, time line and success criteria from 1 month to 18 months maximum.  We are not interested in taking a C role with the company we advise - we have done enough of that.


We are not interested in working for free.  We are expensive - there are cheaper consultants and advisors out there that are offering their ready made templates.  We only accept assignments where we truly believe we can add value to you and your company.  We do not waste people's time.


Please reach out to us with a crisp definition of the business issue you need help with - we will evaluate it internally and come back to you shortly.

Taking Notes

Definition of PPPPARTNER

WHY DOES A COMPANY NEED TO CONSTANTLY EVOLVE ITS 3 P strategies to deliver Sustainable growth and make a positive impact on its People and the Planet.

The world is full of uncertainty. Monumental challenges—including climate change, poverty, and inequality.  At the same time, technology is impacting companies like never before.  The Definition of what a “ Good Company “ is not longer measured by “ Shareholder Return “ - To be seen as “ Good “ a company needs to be at the forefront of ;  taking care of its People, Having a positive impact on the Planet and delivering superior Profits. 

Our Team consists of purpose-driven leaders, such leaders are needed to spearhead initiatives that can spur positive change—but making those changes isn’t an easy task.


Our Focus when working with a new client is to make first an “ audit “ of the “ three P's”: profit, people, and the planet.


Once we have completed the “ Audit “ we will provide you with a “One Page “ of Indicated actions . We will then jointly use this as a base for a Strategic plan that will be developed and then deployed by you and your team . Yes we don’t develop 90 slides or Power Points presentations developed by business school graduates that have not spent one day in the “ Real Business world “.  Send us a description of your Business Challenge !


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